9 Tips to Take Care of Freshly Waxed Skin

So now you have made it past the painful part (it can’t be that bad if we do it day in, day out), you will want to take extra care of your freshly waxed skin. Your skin may feel sore, hot to touch, and overall pretty sensitive so you may want to follow the below tips to ensure you are looking after your fresh skin.

Depending on the areas waxed it is really common sense to know which would relate to you. For example – if you have had a full leg wax and you want to top up on your favorite fake tan on your upper body. Although the list will tell you to avoid tanning in the first 24 hours, you will know that you can leave out your leg area, but carry on with the other parts you want to bronze.

Follow these amazing tips to keep your skin looking and feeling its best after a waxing treatment.

1. Avoid Hot Showers or Baths for 24 Hours.

As a general rule, you should wait at least 24 hours to shower after you have been waxed. Although sometimes this won’t be possible and there may many factors in which you would like to shower sooner, so if this is the case just be mindful that your skin will be sensitive after your hair removal so follow these easy steps:

  • Avoid using hot water if showering in the first 24 hours after a wax. Use lukewarm to cool water as this helps to avoid over sensitizing the area and can help the redness and swelling to subside.
  • Avoid any perfumed body washes or soaps as these will irritate the areas waxed due to the pores being open.
  • Remember to pat your skin dry after you shower instead of rubbing it. This decreases the chances of irritating the skin.

2. No Saunas or Other Heat Treatments for 24 hours.

As a general rule, you should wait at least 24 to 48 hours before any heat treatments including saunas and steam rooms after a wax. Waxing heats up the body and can cause sensitivity in certain areas so the last thing you want to do is add extra heat! Your pores open during waxing due to the heat, to allow the hair to be removed properly. The pores will remain open for a period of time afterwards. Bacteria thrive in warm, wet places so if you went into a sauna immediately after a wax, you’re putting yourself at high risk of infection due to the bacteria entering the open pores.

Give your heat treatments a miss for a couple of days and save yourself drama from possible irritation and infection.

3. Wait A While Before Applying Self-tan.

You should wait at least 24 hours after waxing before applying self-tan. You need to give your skin time to heal after the hair removal and for any irritation to settle. If you self-tan immediately after a wax, this will cause your developed tan to be patchy as the tan will fill the open pores and you may look like you have dark dots on the area you have applied tan.

Your skin may feel sensitive and could possibly be painful immediately after a wax and if you applied a self-tan to this area, there would be a high risk of sensitivity leading to irritation and uneven skin tone.

When planning to tan after a waxing treatment, I would factor in 24-36 hours extra time after your wax. This will allow the skin to completely recover from the hair removal and all the pores to close. This is then the best time to apply your tan for a patch-free and flawless finish.

4. Wear Loose Fitting Clothes Immediately After Wax.

There are many benefits from wearing loose clothing to a waxing appointment. I always advise clients to dress comfortably to their appointment and here’s why:

  • It is much quicker to get dressed and undressed when wearing loose-fitting clothes.
  • Loose clothing will not cling to your skin making this the best option for your freshly waxed skin as it may be feeling sensitive and irritated.
  • In case of an emergency phone call and you are in a hurry to get away, squeezing into a pair of skinny pants would be stressful whereas you can throw on a dress or loose pants for ease and quickness.
  • It’s a good idea to wear cotton underwear as there will be less chance of irritation.

Wearing loose fitting clothes after your waxing treatment will reduce risk of friction, leading to irritation so have a comfortable loungewear day and enjoy your smooth skin.

5. Avoid Intense Gym Workouts for 24 Hours.

I always advise my clients to wait for at least a minimum of 24 hours after any type of waxing before working out. If you have been waxed in more sensitive areas (bikini, underarm, etc) then I would wait 48 hours before an intense workout. The reason for this is, during a workout, our body produces sweat and bacteria, if this comes into contact with the open pores after your wax, then this could cause irritation and worst-case scenario, infection.

Loose-fitting clothes should be worn after each wax also to help prevent irritation caused by friction. If you are doing any sports or working out then the chance are your clothes will be rubbing on your skin, resulting in painful and irritated skin.

By giving your skin time to heal after waxing, you are reducing the risk of irritation and possible infection.

6. No Touching or Rubbing Waxed Area for 24 Hours.

How often do we touch our handsets then touch our face? Or the amount of times you touch surfaces then touch a part of yourself without washing your hands? We don’t even think about it, right?

Well imagine your fresh waxed skin, the pores are open and you feeling so clean and maintained. Then you start to touch your skin or rub it if slightly irritated. Can you imagine all of the germs you are then transferring on to your frsh sikn? Gross, right?

Then before you know it, infection kicks in and you are in pain and very uncomfortable. You want to know what the solution is to this? Prevention over cure!

Avoid over-touching any areas of skin that have been waxed. If you feel that you are irritated and it is itchy, then use a cold compress and press against the area. Keep your hands clean and apply an aloe vera gel to help soothe any sensitive areas.

7. No Use of Fragranced/Perfumed Products on Waxed Skin.

As a general rule, you should avoid using fragranced or perfumed products on newly waxed skin for at least 24 hours. This is to reduce the risk of irritation and post-wax pimples.

Using fragranced products directly after a wax will be painful and uncomfortable. You may cause irritation and pimples which are very unsightly and take days to go away, the area will also be very red and may feel hot.

If you feel you are needing to apply something to your skin then ensure it is fragrance free and hypoallergenic. This should do the trick.

Do not apply talc after a wax as this will clog your pores and cause ingrown hairs. If you regularly use talc then wait at least 48 hours before doing so.

8. Avoid Swimming & Chlorine For 24 Hours.

You should always wait at least 24-48 hours to go for a swim after a waxing treatment. Immediately after a wax, your pores are open, meaning that if you go into a pool or sea then there is a high risk of chlorine or other substances entering the newly opened pores. If this happens then there is a high risk of irritation leading to infection.

Waiting a day or so to go swimming after a wax is so important. Not only could the chlorinated water irritate your skin, but you may take a reaction leading to painful, swollen, and red parts of your body where you have been waxed.

This is not a good look for lying by the pool or on a beach right?

When having a wax and thinking of going swimming, remember to factor in a couple of days for healing time. Allow your skin to completely heal before entering any pools including hot tubs and the ocean to avoid painful irritation

9. No Tanning Salons or Direct Sunlight After Treatment.

You should always avoid direct sunlight for at least 24 to 48 hours after a wax, this goes for tanning salons too. Your skin will be more prone to sun damage due to it being sensitive from the waxing treatment.

If you are going on vacation then plan your waxing for a couple of days at least prior to leaving. This will give your skin time to heal.

Check out this really interesting, recent article of mines which covers all waxing aftercare to ensure you are taking good care of your skin.

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