Lash Lift Aftercare – Here’s What You Need To Know

Have you recently had a lash lift and wondering how to take care of them after the treatment or perhaps you are planning on having a lash lift done and are wondering if you can go swimming straight after or wear make-up that day? You will find the answers to all your questions here with many amazing tips and tricks to keep them looking their best.

Many of you may be asking the same questions about a recent or upcoming lash lift treatment including Do Lash Lifts Ruin Your Natural Eyelashes? or Can Lash Lifts Go Wrong? So here is the main Lash Lift aftercare advice which you must follow, complete with a list of frequently asked questions.

Lash Lift Aftercare:

  • Keep your eyelashes dry for at least 24 hours
  • Swimming should be avoided for at least 24-48 hours
  • Avoid wearing waterproof mascara
  • Avoid oil-based cleansers and toners
  • No eye make-up for 24 hours
  • Do not rub your eyes
  • Avoid facial treatments for the first 48 hours

Next I have covered some lash lift aftercare FAQ’s which will explain all the do’s and don’ts for after your lash lift treatment. These should help answer all your aftercare queries.

What Happens If I Get My Lash Lift Wet?

You must wait at least 24 – 48 hours before you can get your eyelashes wet after a lash lift treatment. This includes any sauna or steam room treatments. If your eyelashes become wet straight after the treatment there is a high risk this will cause the lashes to drop. The reason for this is that your eyelashes have just gone through chemical change so it is vital that the next 24 hours they are kept away from any moisture.

Think about your new lash lift being like a blow dry for your hair on your head – you wouldn’t walk out and go in the rain or the shower would you? Most likely not as it would go frizzy or lose the style. This is the same for your eyelashes. Keep them dry for the first 24 hours and avoid any issues.

Can You Wear Mascara After A Lash Lift?

You can wear mascara after a lash lift but you need to wait at least 24 to 48 hours to do this. You should avoid putting anything on your eyelashes straight after a lash lift so it does not interfere with the chemical lifting process. If you wear mascara on your freshly lifted eyelashes it may cause your eyelashes to either drop or go frizzy.

Personally, I love mascara, and I like to put on as much as I possibly can, but, after I have a lash lift I don’t need to worry about applying mascara and those dreaded panda mascara eyes! You will be surprised just how much your eyelashes lift and look so much more fuller and longer, mascara will be the last thing you think of!

If you are still set on wearing mascara then there are a few key points to consider:

  • Try swapping waterproof mascara for a water-based one. This will lower the risk of over rubbing when removing which may reduce the risk of irritation.
  • Remember to use an oil-free make-up remover when taking your mascara off.
  • Don’t overcoat your eyelashes with mascara. This only makes it more difficult for removal.

Do Lash Lifts Ruin Your Eyelashes?

A lash lift does not ruin the natural eyelashes if the treatment is carried out correctly by a trained professional. Because a lash lift is a natural eyelash treatment, and with the majority of the products used containing nourishing ingredients, this should be gentle on the eyelashes. This treatment will create the look of longer, fuller, and lifted eyelashes which makes eyes appear less tired and more youthful.

A lash lift has many benefits and is not damaging to the eyelashes in any way when done correctly although there are some factors that may affect the result of the treatment:

  1. Natural eyelash condition – oily lashes may not achieve the same lift whereas dry, brittle lashes can be over-processed causing damage. This is for your lash lift technician to know and carry out the procedure safely and effectively.
  2. Aftercare and homecare instructions must be followed. If you do not keep your eyelashes nourished after a lash lift then they may become dry and dehydrated causing them to snap or not grow back to their best
  3. If the treatment is done incorrectly and the timings are not followed precisely by your lash lift technician then this may lead to damage of the natural eyelashes. Please do your research on your chosen eyelash technician before you book yourself a lash lift treatment to ensure they hold the correct qualifications.

All in all a lash lift is a very safe and relaxing procedure and once you have had your first treatment you will probably ask yourself why you have not tried it before.

Can Lash Lifts Go Wrong?

Unfortunately, a lash lift can go wrong. There are two main reasons why this may happen. First up, if the lash technician makes a mistake with the timings for the solutions and the products are left on too long, this would cause over-processing of the lashes. The second reason is if low quality, cheap products are used. This can cause damage to the natural eyelashes or cause the lift to be a failure and results to be poor.

The best thing for you to do is research and find a lash technician that can prove they are fully trained and certified. Ask questions about which products will be used, check out their work on social media. Even ask to see certificates. When it comes to eye treatments, you can’t be too careful.

If a lash lift goes wrong, depending on the severity of the case, it should be able to be fixed (to some extent). You would need to discuss this with your own lash technician and see

Over-processing of the natural eyelashes – Think of a lash lift as perming your eyelashes – the same ingredient that was used to perm the hair on your head is in lash lift products. This perming agent is very very strong! If left on for too long this will weaken the natural eyelashes and cause them to become brittle and very frizzy. Trust me, this is not a good look!

Under-processing or use of low-quality products – If the perming agent solution is not left on long enough then this will result in poor results = no lift and lashes looking the same. It is so important that all manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions are followed to ensure the procedure is carried out safely and effectively.

Check with your lash technician for what brands of products they use, if a low-quality product is used, chances are the lift won’t be noticeable and money will be wasted.

What Happens When A Lash Lift Wears Off?

When a lash lift wears off you will notice a gradual drop in the eyelashes. This is a natural process and will not happen overnight. Within the 6-8 period after having your lashes lifted, gradually, they will begin to drop as new eyelashes grow in. You can help to prolong this by brushing your eyelashes daily and applying a nourishing serum to keep them their best.

I’ve recently just written a really interesting, fact-packed article about lash lifts which you may find interesting which you can find here. This will answer all your questions about lash lifts including the process and much more.

Why Did My Lash Lift Not Work?

There are many reasons why your lash lift may have not worked or you may have not got the lift you were hoping for. Below are some of the most common ones:

  • Eye products not removed thoroughly before the lash lift process
  • Products passed their recommended shelf life
  • The treatment process may have been carried out inefficiently
  • Treatment time cut down
  • Eye technician not fully trained and poor standards
  • Natural eyelashes too short or too straight
  • Wrong size of shield used for the lifting process

If you feel that you did not get the results you were hoping for then speak to your eyelash technician.

Can I Shower After A Lash Lift?

You can shower after a lash lift but it is vital that you do not wet your newly lifted lashes! You must keep your eyelashes dry for the first 24-48 hours to ensure this does not affect the lifting process. Maybe opt for a bath instead and save your newly lifted lashes from dropping – if you do remember to keep the water lukewarm! Steam is also not advised in the first 24 hours.

For all the information you need on showering, swimming, etc after a lash lift, check out another blog of mines (What Is A Lash Lift? The Do’s, Don’ts, Process, and More) which is packed full of amazing tips and tricks.

How Often Should I Get A Lash Lift?

A lash lift begins to drop back to its natural state after about 6 – 8 weeks so it is advised that having a fresh lash lift done around the 6-8-week mark will give you an appearance of longer, fuller lashes again.

Sometimes, different things can affect how long your lash lift will last, for example going swimming in chlorine or the use of heat treatments. If you find your lashes drop sooner than the 6-8 week mark then you may have your lashes lifted again but there would need to be a minimum of 4-5 weeks from the previous treatment.

If all homecare and aftercare tips are followed then there should be no issue. Personally, I know my own clients have sometimes got a great curl still after the 8-week mark.

How Do I Remove Mascara After A Lash Lift?

After a lash lift, you must use an oil-free cleanser and gentle motions to remove mascara and remember to always pat dry. To reduce the risk of irritation and lashes dropping, avoid rubbing your eyes. You can try using two cotton buds with a face cleanser and working this down the lashes to avoid rubbing the eye area.

How Can I Make My Lash Lift Last A Bit Longer?

If you are looking for some amazing tips on how to make your lash lift last longer then read on as you are certainly in the correct place. I absolutely love having my eyelashes lifted and tinted, it really does change the way I look and I want to keep them looking their best for as long as I can. I have tried all of the below tips and each worked so well, you definitely need to try it out.

Here are simple ways to help make your lift last longer:

  • Use a water-based mascara
  • Use a nourishing eyelash serum daily
  • Avoid oil-based cleansers and make-up removers
  • Wait at least 24 hours after your lash lift before wetting your eyes
  • Wait at least 24 hours after your lash lift before applying eye makeup

If you follow these easy tips and tricks then this will help to make your lash lift last a bit longer.

Do Lash Lifts Hurt?

A lash lift treatment should not hurt or feel uncomfortable. In fact most of the time it is so relaxing that you may find yourself drifting off to sleep. It is vital that the eyes are kept closed throughout the entire treatment to stop any of the formula coming into contact with the eye. When the under-eye pads and eye shields are placed on for the first time it can feel a little uncomfortable, but once the treatment has started and your eyes adjust, it is a very relaxing treatment.

Can I Have A Lash Lift With Short Lashes?

Most people can benefit from a lash lift but the shorter the lashes are, the more difficult it is to get an obvious lift. So if you have very short lashes you may choose to go for an alternative treatment for a more obvious result. For someonw with long lashes, you will get an incredible lift that will be very noticeable, whereas someone with short lashes but only get a very subtle lift.

It is really down to personal choice. You could try a lash lift and if the lift isn’t as noticeable as you would like due to your natural eyelashes being very short then you may choose to go for eyelash extensions instead. Here you can find out all you need to know about semi-permanent eyelash extensions with photographs of my own work to show you the types of looks that can be achieved.

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