What Is A Hollywood Wax?

Nowadays, there are so many different types of intimate waxing so it can be quite confusing for someone who doesn’t have a beauty background. Are you considering going for the full works but not quite sure what will happen during your appointment or what exactly a Hollywood wax consists of? Then you are definitely in the right place, so keep reading and up your knowledge!

A Hollywood wax is when all of the pubic hair is removed from “down below” including your buttocks. Or if you want to put it technical; the labia, perineum, and anus. This is done by a hot wax being applied to the area then peeled off once it is hardended. Removing the hair this way leaves the skin feeling silky and smooth with results of up to 4-6 weeks.

I have created this in-depth article which is full of amazing facts and tips for all you need to know about a Hollywood wax. This will hopefully answer any questions you may have for before, during and after your scheduled Hollywood wax treatment.

Is A Hollywood Wax Painful?

Most women find some slight discomfort during a Hollywood wax. Although the pain can’t be that bad if we continue to keep up the maintenance. I know myself personally that the thought is always worse than actually having the hair removed.

I trained and specialized in female intimate waxing almost 8 years ago so I have extensive experience in this type of waxing. The majority of my own clients can’t believe how quick and almost pain-free a Hollywood wax is!!

I would perhaps put it down to the experience of your wax therapist and also the quality of the product used. Always remember to do your research first and don’t be afraid to ask which products are used and how long the therapist has been waxing for. Confidence comes with experience, especially for these types of treatments.

Keeping on top of your appointment also helps with the discomfort, for example, when you start off waxing you will typically be waxed every 4-6 weeks. This allows time for the hair growth to work itself out. If you miss an appointment and end up using another hair removal method, not only are you messing up the hair growth but you will make your next wax appointment painful as the hair will have grown in blunt instead of fine and soft from the wax.

Your waxing therapist will keep you right but a good tip is to take deep breaths and exhale when the hair is being removed. A lot of salons will set the mood for intimate waxing with having low relaxing music playing, soft lighting, and a soothing candle burning. This definitely helps you to relax and feel at ease.

Remember this is such a popular treatment and there is no need to feel embarrassed. Just remember your wax therapist does this job day in, day out, so try your hardest to relax and it will help the experience flow smoother.

How Long Does A Hollywood Wax Last?

A Hollywood wax will last between 4-6 weeks. Hair will gradually grow back within this time and some people may need more frequent waxes than others. For people with a faster re-growth the gap between waxes could be as little as 2-3 weeks.

I aim for my own clients to have more frequent appointments to begin with, typically around 4 weeks. Then through time, once the hair grows back less and more fine, these appointments will push out to every 6 to 8 weeks. Yeah, that’s right, you will be hair-free for the duration. How fabulous!

The main thing to remember is not to interfere with the hair growth once you have been waxed. Avoid shaving, hair removal creams, or any other types of hair removal. Allow your hair growth to get to the same cycle then see the amazing results after each wax, resulting in your hair growing back finer and more sparse.

How Is A Hollywood Carried Out?

If this is your first time getting a Hollywood wax or maybe you are just interested as you may plan for the future then you may wonder what will actually happen at your appointment. This is completely normal and it’s always better to know beforehand so you can be prepared for what will come.

Some therapists may work slightly differently and this is normally due to where they have been trained and certified. This is totally normal and our aim is to carry out a Hollywood treatment efficiently and safely, putting our clients’ comfort and dignity first.

Below I will explain to you exactly what I would do if you were booked in for a Hollywood wax:

  1. When you arrive for your appointment you would be shown to the treatment room.
  2. I would explain the treatment that will take place and I ALWAYS double-check it is a Hollywood wax (you may think this means something different).
  3. I would then leave the treatment area to allow you to undress and get comfortable. Wet wipes would be available for you to freshen up.
  4. Underwear should be removed prior to treatment as this allows the therapist to work more efficiently. You would then lie on the treatment couch and use the hand towel to cover yourself.
  5. Nitrile disposable gloves and an apron is always used whilst carrying out any type of hair removal.
  6. The treatment would then begin; Cleanse, application of barrier oil, hair removal.
  7. The wax would be applied in small areas starting on the outer bikini line area using hot wax. The wax then hardens and shrinks around the hair, once it is pulled this removes the hair from the root leaving a smooth finish to the skin.
  8. I work from the outside in, covering small patches each time. You would be lying on your back with legs spread as this allows me to work on either side at the same time.
  9. Once all the hair is removed from the front and inside, I would then ask you to either pull both legs up to your chest or to lie on your side facing away, with one leg pulled up to your chest. This allows me to cover the backside area and is the most comfortable, dignified way. Some salons may ask you to go on all fours, I personally do not think this is needed and the methods I use complete the treatment to a perfect finish. So if you are ever asked to do this then DO NOT FEEL YOU NEED TO.
  10. Once all hair is removed from the desired areas and after lotion will be applied to help soothe and calm the skin.

The treatment time for a Hollywood wax is around 45 minutes long. I tend to work a lot quicker than this but this comes with experience. The more times you get waxed, the less hair grows back so you typically find your appointment times reduce each time.

This can still be the perfect lunch hour treatment!

Can I Have A Hollywood Wax On My Period?

You can have a Hollywood wax on your period although you would definitely need to wear a tampon or menstrual cup. Also, it would be a good idea to ensure you change your tampon or clean out the cup just before your appointment and this will help reduce the risk of any leakage throughout your treatment.

I would contact your wax therapist prior to your appointment also just show she is aware of this beforehand.

Although saying this, I normally recommend you schedule your wax for the week after your period. The reason for this is that you are more sensitive leading up to and during your period. Your skin is extra sensitive which causes more discomfort and your pain tolerance is a lot lower.

However, if you feel that you really need it done at this point then absolutely book in but remember to let your therapist know in advance just so she knows to be extra careful at certain areas.

Can I Have A Hollywood Wax Whilst Pregnant?

Yes, you can have a safe Hollywood wax during your pregnancy. Ensure it is done by a trained and certified wax technician or beauty therapist and be sure to advise them prior to your treatment. The treatment may be slightly altered to suit your needs – comfort being the main thing here.

Are you pregnant and can’t see past your tummy to tidy your lady garden? Don’t get your knickers in a twist!

Hollywood waxing is such a popular treatment during pregnancy, due to your hair growing faster and falling out less. You may find that the hair on your head is thicker and less falls out whilst brushing or washing your hair but this isn’t the only area on your body that you will be growing more. That’s where we come in handy!

Blood supply is increased throughout pregnancy causing your skin to be slightly more sensitive, meaning there is a higher risk of bleeding and the treatment may be more painful. Your wax therapist should know the best products to use for you, this is why you should inform her prior to your appointment. This way she can be well prepared.

Be sure to follow the homecare and aftercare advice given after your Hollywood treatment.

How Do I Prepare For A Hollywood Wax Appointment?

Before any waxing treatment you should follow these handy tips to ensure your skin is prepped well for your hair removal treatment and you are well prepared for your upcoming Hollywood wax;

  1. It’s a good idea to plan ahead and ensure you have enough time to shower or bathe before your appointment. This way you will feel more comfortable arriving for your Hollywood wax.
  2. Having a warm shower or bath prior to your appointment help to soften the skin which encourages the hair to be removed easier.
  3. Check the length of your hair. For a Hollywood wax, you would require the hair to be a quarter of an inch although there are some leading brands that can remove hair as short as 1-2mm!
  4. Avoid shaving in between waxing appointments. The hair will be coarse, resulting in a painful waxing experience.
  5. Remember to exfoliate! Exfoliation is key when it comes to waxing. This removes any build-up of dead skin cells near the hair follicle resulting in a quicker, easier removal.
  6. Try to relax as much as you can! We know it can be quite daunting, but the more relaxed you are during your Hollywood wax, the more efficient and pain-free it will be.

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Is It Embarrassing Getting a Hollywood Wax Done?

If you are booked in for your first ever Hollywood wax then you may be feeling a bit anxious or apprehensive. This is totally normal. But try and not worry or get yourself too worked up.

The therapist doing your treatment probably does this every working day. She is so used to seeing lady parts and working hert magic to make your treatment as comfortable as possible.

If you are concerned prior to your treatment, give her a call and she will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Your waxing therapist should make you feel super comfortable and at ease. The first couple of times you may feel slightly awkward, but this is new to you so don’t worry. Once you have experienced a Hollywood wax then you will get more comfortable each time you attend an appointment. In fact, majority of my own clients now tell me not to leave the room whilst they change as they feel that comfortable and at ease.

In Conclusion

I hope that after reading this article you feel you have a better understanding of what a Hollywood wax is. I have many more articles, covering a wide range of treatments and one I think would be beneficial for you to read is “What Is The Difference Between Waxing & Shaving” and this covers a full range of benefits of waxing.

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